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浙江物业专用挡水板服务好 东慧车库挡水门年底大促

2019/12/27 7:15:36发布147次查看
2 性能:能达到优良的密闭防水效果,防止汛期洪水侵入室内而造成财产损失
3 用途:适用于地下车库出入口、地下商场出入口、沿街商铺、企事业机关单位大门、地铁出入口、核电站主要出入口、水电站主要出入口、隧道出入口等容易汛期淹水的地方。
immediately slightly in 2020, you little master who is not super happy yeah, that east hui also tell you a happier things, the boss said to be on holiday, all kinds of warehouse basement garage door flap water blocking large end of the year price put it, large parts of jiangsu, zhejiang, then you can free onsite measurement oh, it's the world's best is not good news! ! ! that you what are you waiting for dong hui large flap release price, quality does not drop when material: flood shutter main material, and the fixed upright pillar, a triangular back stays straight / aluminum alloy die strut integrally molded silicone seal for the sealing tape strip integrally molding die, other accessories for the 304 stainless steel integrally formed. 2 performance: waterproof sealed to achieve excellent results, to prevent the intrusion of indoor flood caused property damage 3 uses: suitable for underground garage entrances and exits, entrances and exits of underground shopping malls, street shops, enterprises and institutions unit door, the subway entrance, the main entrance nuclear power plants, hydropower stations the main entrance, tunnel entrances and exits easy to flood flooded areas. order cheap years ago, years after the receipt of the same quality, so cheap things so what, come buy it small main door



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